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R2 D2


R2 D2
Last Active


  • .....01010101..costume change .....Di2....cousin....
    ... same as automatic cars and gears......
    do you like to ride in comfort and have it done for you......010101.....
    or prefer a gear shifter to hold...
  • .....404040404
    good to see you back old chap
    ......cycling news.....40404040....
    how are you these days ?
    going to do the argus this year ?
  • ......."£$%^&%$£


  • ........."$£%!&^.........(^%$!%$£)

  • ........@*!?£$"%&!*

  • Getting harder each week now working for the Federation again
    They use the dark side and cooked breakfasts to slow me down
    Great to be out in the sunshine
    Thanks for a new route
    Sat Nav calling on the direct route from Cromer…
  • Great ride today
    Chishill split worked well
    Hills to start , then a tail wind blew us back
    ( felt like a pro for that bit - we hit 32mph , Bradley does it for an hour on his own in a TT ! )

    Refreshing shandy at the end…
  • Last time this route was very wet,
    I could not see more than 4 feet.
    Last week got soaked as well.
    Can this be true ?
  • all the hills a bit difficult with my small wheels
    all the rain made me rust
    cornering claimed another victim , luckily nothing serious
    .....whilst saying " cycling is a safe sport ".........just before the bend
    storm troopers…